If you're looking for a great-looking wallpaper that is also very portable, Telemetro will be perfect for you. It's available in both a .exe and a .png format, so you can use it on all your Android devices, including your iPhone. If you need some help getting started with this app, this article was written with a Windows user in mind. When you download this software, it includes an auto-installer, so you can quickly get going with it.
Here's what you need to do when you install the Telemetro Android app onto your Android. First, head to the Google Play Store, download the app, and then open it up on your phone. When it comes time to pick an icon for your wallpaper, choose "Wallpapers." When you do this, you'll notice that you have plenty of choices. Choose one that you like and put it on your home screen. You can also click "add wallpapers" at the bottom of the home screen to add more if you wish.
Once you've done that, head back to the homescreen and long press on the wallpaper you just added. You should see a pop-up window comes up, asking you which icon you'd like to change. Pick Telemetro and tap on it to bring up the icons menu. From there, you can pick your wallpaper, then tap on the green button underneath the thumbnail. Now, the wallpaper that you picked will be showing up on your Android! The reason I suggest using Telemetro as a wallpaper is because it is so easy to access and use - it even includes an option to clear out the latest wallpaper that you've chosen to make room for the next new one.